Gender Transition in Germany
Brochure containing up-to-date information on the main aspects of medical gender transition in Germany.
Brochure containing up-to-date information on the main aspects of medical gender transition in Germany.
Gender transition is often compared to moving to another country because of the life changes that not only bring hope but also come with radical uncertainty. When relocation and transition happen at the same time, the situation becomes twice as challenging.
As a community of Russian-speaking queer migrants, Quarteera e.V. is pleased to compile this brochure with up-to-date (as of mid-2024) information on the key aspects of medical gender transition in Germany.
This brochure can be useful both for those who are just beginning their transition and for those seeking information about trans*-competent medical care in Germany. Additionally, we invite you to reach out to our counseling center with any further questions.
This brochure is the result of the initiative and work of our volunteers. We sincerely thank them and invite everyone who wishes to support us to join our volunteer team. Together, we make our world more inclusive, our lives freer, and ultimately, ourselves happier.
Funded by the Senate Department for Labor, Social Affairs, Equality, Integration, Diversity, and Anti-Discrimination as part of the Participation and Integration Program